Triathlon Oud Gastel | 22-06-2024

#Tot StNr Team Cat #Cat Zwem #Z Wis1 #W1 Fiets #F NaFiets #NaF Wis2 #W2 Loop #L Totaal
1 1177 Trio Team Yvonne van Vlerke G 1 00:07:37 3 00:00:50 4 00:29:43 2 00:38:08 2 00:00:40 7 00:18:22 6 00:57:09
2 1145 Team BOM M 1 00:07:52 6 00:00:55 17 00:29:18 1 00:38:05 1 00:00:39 6 00:18:54 12 00:57:37
3 1115 FIT247 M 2 00:08:13 10 00:01:00 33 00:31:55 8 00:41:06 6 00:00:39 5 00:17:01 1 00:58:45
4 1147 pintje aan de finish M 3 00:07:02 1 00:00:45 1 00:31:08 5 00:38:54 4 00:00:38 4 00:19:26 14 00:58:57
5 1153 Kwik Kwek en Kwak M 4 00:08:22 12 00:00:59 26 00:31:30 6 00:40:50 5 00:00:42 15 00:18:39 10 01:00:09
6 1166 Net niet M 5 00:09:55 29 00:00:59 29 00:30:26 4 00:41:19 8 00:00:49 42 00:18:17 5 01:00:24
7 1151 Fam. Roels M 6 00:07:41 5 00:00:51 8 00:32:45 14 00:41:17 7 00:00:46 30 00:18:25 7 01:00:28
8 1181 Tel-it Telecom & ICT M 7 00:07:31 2 00:00:53 10 00:30:08 3 00:38:31 3 00:00:41 12 00:21:41 29 01:00:52
9 1101 Team rwv M 8 00:09:25 22 00:00:47 2 00:32:03 9 00:42:14 10 00:00:38 2 00:18:12 4 01:01:03
10 1179 De Masterpanda's M 9 00:08:06 9 00:00:50 5 00:33:50 18 00:42:45 13 00:00:38 3 00:18:09 3 01:01:31
11 1182 Sportimex M 10 00:08:48 17 00:00:59 32 00:33:53 19 00:43:39 16 00:00:57 58 00:18:04 2 01:02:39
12 1149 Met twee lukt dat ook wel hoor G 2 00:09:25 23 00:00:55 19 00:32:22 10 00:42:42 12 00:00:48 40 00:19:54 17 01:03:23
13 1135 Pool, Rickman & Tommie M 11 00:07:57 7 00:01:02 37 00:34:39 22 00:43:38 15 00:00:45 25 00:19:36 16 01:03:58
14 1114 De NS heeft bussen ingezet G 3 00:09:22 21 00:00:54 12 00:31:46 7 00:42:00 9 00:00:40 8 00:21:44 30 01:04:23
15 1168 DIO G 4 00:07:38 4 00:00:56 20 00:34:32 21 00:43:05 14 00:00:47 36 00:20:36 23 01:04:27
16 1174 De Witjes G 5 00:08:46 16 00:00:54 13 00:35:26 25 00:45:05 21 00:00:46 28 00:18:48 11 01:04:38
17 1171 Bouwbedrijf Horians M 12 00:08:37 14 00:01:06 54 00:32:35 12 00:42:16 11 00:01:01 64 00:21:27 27 01:04:43
18 1161 Quest M 13 00:10:21 37 00:00:55 15 00:33:48 17 00:45:03 20 00:00:43 17 00:19:12 13 01:04:57
19 1169 Team Arromi M 14 00:11:02 43 00:01:03 42 00:32:48 15 00:44:52 17 00:00:47 35 00:19:29 15 01:05:07
20 1165 CSA M 15 00:09:54 28 00:00:59 30 00:36:41 30 00:47:33 28 00:00:44 20 00:18:32 8 01:06:47
21 1129 Braat & Verstraten G 6 00:10:20 36 00:01:14 66 00:35:48 27 00:47:22 26 00:01:00 63 00:18:39 9 01:06:59
22 1176 Kwali,max ICT-services M 16 00:12:39 59 00:01:07 55 00:33:17 16 00:47:02 24 00:00:40 9 00:20:29 20 01:08:10
23 1163 Team Badeend G 7 00:11:32 48 00:00:59 31 00:32:29 11 00:45:00 19 00:00:44 19 00:23:12 35 01:08:54
24 1109 Team Stimulus G 8 00:09:00 19 00:01:10 59 00:35:06 23 00:45:15 22 00:00:45 26 00:24:40 51 01:10:39
25 1106 Wilmer Logistics G 9 00:09:51 27 00:01:05 51 00:35:46 26 00:46:42 23 00:00:54 52 00:23:59 42 01:11:34
26 1183 Het kon nog net M 17 00:09:22 20 00:01:04 47 00:36:45 31 00:47:10 25 00:00:52 46 00:23:52 38 01:11:53
27 1164 Team Goedgemutst G 10 00:10:02 30 00:01:04 44 00:38:49 40 00:49:54 35 00:00:49 41 00:21:20 26 01:12:01
28 1108 Orginele teamnaam G 11 00:08:32 13 00:01:04 46 00:41:55 54 00:51:29 41 00:00:47 32 00:19:54 18 01:12:09
29 1128 FIT247-2 G 12 00:13:15 62 00:01:01 35 00:37:08 32 00:51:22 39 00:00:51 45 00:20:29 21 01:12:41
30 1173 Fit 24/7 -3 G 13 00:10:14 34 00:01:03 41 00:40:12 47 00:51:28 40 00:00:44 21 00:20:43 24 01:12:55
31 1139 Team strakke brakka M 18 00:10:12 33 00:00:48 3 00:38:47 39 00:49:47 33 00:00:38 1 00:22:38 33 01:13:02
32 1137 The spikes G 14 00:08:18 11 00:00:55 18 00:38:19 36 00:47:31 27 00:00:41 10 00:25:14 54 01:13:24
33 1131 Trainen is voor talentlozen M 19 00:08:43 15 00:00:56 21 00:39:07 44 00:48:45 30 00:00:58 59 00:24:06 45 01:13:48
34 1119 Operatie Sportprestatie V 1 00:09:30 24 00:00:58 23 00:38:51 41 00:49:18 31 00:00:42 14 00:24:38 50 01:14:36
35 1152 Trio 3 Speciaalbier M 20 00:12:07 55 00:01:09 58 00:39:06 43 00:52:21 43 00:00:46 29 00:22:05 32 01:15:11
36 1141 Stop......En Door!!! G 15 00:11:00 42 00:01:14 64 00:39:00 42 00:51:13 38 00:00:48 39 00:23:58 41 01:15:57
37 1134 WijTri21 M 21 00:10:25 38 00:01:19 69 00:43:49 64 00:55:33 56 00:00:52 47 00:20:16 19 01:16:39
38 1130 Kroketjes vooraf G 16 00:11:32 49 00:01:03 40 00:42:23 56 00:54:57 54 00:00:41 11 00:21:10 25 01:16:47
39 1162 Woest Aantrekkelijk M 22 00:11:27 47 00:00:51 7 00:32:38 13 00:44:55 18 00:00:42 16 00:31:31 72 01:17:06
40 1167 Waar is Thomas G 17 00:10:30 39 00:01:06 53 00:38:13 34 00:49:48 34 00:00:47 33 00:26:47 59 01:17:21
41 1180 Pimpossibles M 23 00:10:17 35 00:01:13 62 00:41:30 51 00:52:59 47 00:00:57 57 00:23:32 37 01:17:27
42 1136 Trippel trappel trap V 2 00:11:34 50 00:01:03 43 00:39:43 45 00:52:20 42 00:00:47 37 00:25:02 52 01:18:08
43 1133 Team Z.O.Z. M 24 00:10:50 40 00:01:13 61 00:36:20 29 00:48:22 29 00:00:55 55 00:28:57 64 01:18:14
44 1126 Oe moe me noe G 18 00:11:44 53 00:00:55 14 00:43:23 61 00:56:00 57 00:00:47 34 00:21:49 31 01:18:36
45 1175 Waar is Noor V 3 00:12:14 57 00:01:07 56 00:40:47 50 00:54:07 50 00:00:47 38 00:23:53 39 01:18:47
46 1155 The A-Team M 25 00:12:34 58 00:01:02 36 00:41:44 53 00:55:19 55 00:01:01 65 00:23:27 36 01:19:46
47 1111 Las Rapidas V 4 00:13:12 61 00:01:06 52 00:38:15 35 00:52:32 45 00:00:49 43 00:26:32 58 01:19:53
48 1178 de Kouwe Kant M 26 00:11:42 52 00:01:05 49 00:40:37 49 00:53:23 49 00:01:07 71 00:25:36 56 01:20:04
49 1158 Team Amphia 1 V 5 00:10:05 32 00:01:15 67 00:43:29 63 00:54:49 53 00:00:57 56 00:24:28 47 01:20:12
50 1170 Isset al bijna carnaval M 27 00:08:02 8 00:00:59 28 00:44:21 65 00:53:21 48 00:01:02 66 00:25:56 57 01:20:19
51 1104 HaBo Klusteam M 28 00:14:52 66 00:00:55 16 00:35:19 24 00:51:04 37 00:00:44 22 00:28:51 62 01:20:39
52 1122 L.Z.S.F.G.W. M 29                         01:20:40
53 1116 Lighting & Frightning G 19 00:15:03 67 00:00:57 22 00:34:20 20 00:50:19 36 00:00:43 18 00:29:40 66 01:20:41
54 1132 De Trinhje G 20 00:09:49 26 00:01:02 38 00:42:07 55 00:52:57 46 00:00:46 31 00:27:06 60 01:20:48
55 1150 verzuipers G 21 00:17:09 76 00:00:52 9 00:38:22 37 00:56:22 58 00:01:29 78 00:24:34 49 01:22:23
56 1124 Busjes M 30 00:15:05 68 00:00:59 27 00:43:04 60 00:59:07 62 00:00:46 27 00:22:39 34 01:22:32
57 1102 Hippos G 22 00:16:37 72 00:01:07 57 00:40:19 48 00:58:02 59 00:00:54 53 00:23:54 40 01:22:49
58 1117 RedBull Racing M 31         00:41:43 52 00:58:03 60 00:01:04 68 00:24:06 44 01:23:12
59 1160 knapste vrouwen van GAVOC’10 V 6 00:08:52 18 00:00:54 11 00:42:45 58 00:52:30 44 00:00:54 51 00:30:11 69 01:23:33
60 1157 De Jerommekes G 23 00:17:07 73 00:01:03 39 00:36:08 28 00:54:17 51 00:00:54 50 00:28:53 63 01:24:03
61 1121 Team Helsch G 24 00:11:13 45 00:01:04 45 00:37:17 33 00:49:33 32 00:01:06 69 00:33:28 75 01:24:06
62 1143 De wilgjes G 25 00:17:09 75 00:00:50 6 00:44:53 67 01:02:51 72 00:00:45 24 00:20:33 22 01:24:09
63 1123 The Powerpuff Girls V 7 00:10:02 31 00:01:05 48 00:49:06 73 01:00:12 65 00:00:55 54 00:24:08 46 01:25:14
64 1172 Te water, land & over de steep G 26 00:11:13 46 00:01:20 70 00:48:22 72 01:00:55 68 00:00:59 62 00:24:04 43 01:25:57
65 1140 de slurpers M 32 00:14:45 65 00:00:59 25 00:45:34 68 01:01:17 69 00:00:41 13 00:25:04 53 01:27:02
66 1138 Spirit, dagcentrum Pompon, SDW G 27 00:12:13 56 00:05:25 77 00:42:44 57 01:00:21 66 00:01:23 77 00:25:21 55 01:27:04
67 1148 Marathon Gekkies V 8 00:10:51 41 00:01:25 73 00:47:02 70 00:59:17 63 00:01:07 72 00:29:25 65 01:29:48
68 1144 De Dirkies G 28 00:16:19 71 00:01:22 72 00:49:46 75 01:07:26 77 00:00:45 23 00:21:39 28 01:29:49
69 1125 Coppensteam G 29 00:13:51 64 00:01:21 71 00:43:27 62 00:58:38 61 00:01:15 75 00:30:15 70 01:30:07
70 1113 Ossekoppe G 30 00:13:41 63 00:01:16 68 00:39:51 46 00:54:47 52 00:01:12 73 00:34:14 77 01:30:12
71 1156 de Koopvrouwen V 9 00:13:06 60 00:02:16 76 00:44:28 66 00:59:49 64 00:01:13 74 00:30:32 71 01:31:34
72 1112 Blije Nieuwsjunks Die Sporten G 31 00:17:08 74 00:01:10 60 00:48:16 71 01:06:33 75 00:00:53 48 00:24:34 48 01:31:59
73 1159 Amphia Team 2 G 32 00:21:39 77 00:01:30 74 00:38:40 38 01:01:48 70 00:00:59 60 00:32:16 73 01:35:02
74 1107 G-Unit G 33 00:11:09 44 00:01:14 65 00:54:30 77 01:06:52 76 00:01:02 67 00:27:26 61 01:35:20
75 1110 Nichtjes Schrauwen V 10 00:11:35 51 00:01:00 34 00:49:33 74 01:02:06 71 00:00:53 49 00:32:45 74 01:35:43
76 1118 Heren, deze dames castreren! V 11 00:11:45 54 00:00:58 24 00:52:30 76 01:05:12 74 00:00:59 61 00:29:53 68 01:36:03
77 1146 Team Pompon G 34 00:15:37 69 00:01:53 75 00:43:00 59 01:00:28 67 00:01:22 76 00:36:08 78 01:37:58
78 1120 Snijden,prikken,finish tikken G 35 00:09:42 25 00:01:05 50 00:56:50 78 01:07:36 78 00:00:50 44 00:29:44 67 01:38:09
79 1103 Rising Stars V 12 00:15:59 70 00:01:13 63 00:46:15 69 01:03:26 73 00:01:06 70 00:34:11 76 01:38:43