Triathlon Apeldoorn | 02-09-2023

Mannen <40
#Cat StNr Naam Woonplaats MV #MV Cat #Tot Zwem #Z Wis1 #W1 Fiets #F NaFiets #NaF Wis2 #W2 Loop #L Totaal
1 493 Bernard Kuiken Bilthoven M 1 M-40 1 00:08:59 6 00:02:06 1 00:32:49 1 00:43:53 1 00:01:38 1 00:21:11 1 01:06:41
2 512 Maikel van Oort Nijmegen M 4 M-40 4 00:08:14 2 00:02:36 4 00:37:39 8 00:48:29 3 00:02:18 17 00:22:24 2 01:13:10
3 358 Thijs Hekman Enschede M 6 M-40 6 00:08:30 3 00:02:14 2 00:37:27 7 00:48:09 2 00:01:46 2 00:23:39 9 01:13:33
4 458 Roy Arendsen Doesburg M 7 M-40 7 00:09:52 8 00:02:51 7 00:36:35 4 00:49:17 4 00:02:14 14 00:22:47 3 01:14:16
5 341 Wilco Wolfkamp Zwolle M 8 M-40 8 00:11:23 20 00:02:25 3 00:36:21 3 00:50:08 7 00:02:01 7 00:22:53 4 01:15:02
6 357 Collin Denekamp Borne M 9 M-40 9 00:08:46 4 00:02:38 5 00:38:06 9 00:49:30 5 00:02:04 8 00:24:11 15 01:15:43
7 311 Sijmen de Vos Hierden M 11 M-40 11 00:11:11 16 00:02:58 8 00:36:46 5 00:50:53 9 00:03:18 44 00:23:02 6 01:17:13
8 306 Brian Koster Apeldoorn M 17 M-40 17 00:10:12 10 00:03:58 31 00:35:58 2 00:50:07 6 00:02:44 33 00:25:44 25 01:18:34
9 359 Siem Derksen Wehl M 18 M-40 18                         01:19:16
10 373 Ruud van der Zwan Apeldoorn M 20 M-40 21 00:08:52 5 00:03:00 9 00:39:22 15 00:51:13 10 00:02:33 25 00:25:58 26 01:19:43
11 501 Ruben Kooiman Zwolle M 21 M-40 22 00:10:12 9 00:03:54 30 00:39:33 16 00:53:37 12 00:02:05 9 00:24:09 14 01:19:50
12 453 Andries Visser Apeldoorn M 23 M-40 24 00:11:22 19 00:03:25 18 00:39:50 21 00:54:36 17 00:02:36 31 00:23:00 5 01:20:11
13 321 Jacco Geuzebroek Apeldoorn M 25 M-40 26 00:10:18 11 00:03:11 10 00:37:18 6 00:50:46 8 00:02:20 19 00:27:37 37 01:20:43
14 379 Justin Clemenkowff Deventer M 26 M-40 27 00:11:55 27 00:03:15 11 00:39:21 14 00:54:30 14 00:02:21 20 00:23:54 11 01:20:44
15 384 Richard Moorman Klazienaveen M 29 M-40 30 00:11:31 22 00:03:25 17 00:39:39 18 00:54:34 15 00:02:11 13 00:25:05 18 01:21:49
16 310 Wessel Everloo Almelo M 30 M-40 32 00:07:25 1 00:03:52 28 00:41:24 31 00:52:40 11 00:02:35 29 00:26:42 29 01:21:56
17 337 Rik van Zanten Arnhem M 31 M-40 34 00:11:00 13 00:03:44 25 00:39:51 23 00:54:35 16 00:03:31 47 00:23:56 12 01:22:02
18 378 Thijs Koop Deventer M 33 M-40 36 00:12:22 33 00:04:10 37 00:38:40 10 00:55:11 23 00:02:40 32 00:24:15 16 01:22:05
19 454 Jorn van Strien Apeldoorn M 36 M-40 40 00:11:23 21 00:03:38 22 00:39:40 19 00:54:39 19 00:02:55 36 00:24:52 17 01:22:24
20 390 Niek de Jonge AMERSFOORT M 41 M-40 45 00:11:44 26 00:03:43 24 00:40:27 26 00:55:53 27 00:02:01 6 00:25:27 23 01:23:20
21 418 Gerjan Stoffer Nunspeet M 42 M-40 46 00:11:33 23 00:04:20 38 00:39:51 22 00:55:43 24 00:02:15 15 00:26:03 27 01:24:00
22 421 Diederik Lagerweij Epe M 44 M-40 49 00:13:01 35 00:05:28 46 00:39:16 13 00:57:44 33 00:03:11 42 00:23:27 7 01:24:21
23 388 Niek Heijs Ede M 47 M-40 52 00:12:01 29 00:03:54 29 00:38:59 11 00:54:53 21 00:03:01 40 00:27:04 31 01:24:57
24 327 McGregor Drummond Apeldoorn M 48 M-40 53 00:11:21 18 00:03:18 14 00:40:31 28 00:55:08 22 00:02:20 18 00:27:36 35 01:25:03
25 328 Toby Rosbak Apeldoorn M 49 M-40 54 00:14:36 43 00:03:17 13 00:40:57 29 00:58:49 35 00:02:18 16 00:24:00 13 01:25:06
26 352 Bart van Haren Breda M 51 M-40 56 00:11:44 25 00:04:25 40 00:41:51 34 00:57:59 34 00:02:26 21 00:25:14 22 01:25:38
27 441 Frank van Rest Eemnes M 52 M-40 57 00:12:02 30 00:02:41 6 00:41:04 30 00:55:47 26 00:02:06 10 00:28:05 38 01:25:57
28 431 Milo Pas Westervoort M 53 M-40 58 00:11:40 24 00:03:40 23 00:39:07 12 00:54:26 13 00:02:45 34 00:28:52 40 01:26:01
29 469 Luka Bosscher Deventer M 54 M-40 61 00:11:12 17 00:04:02 33 00:41:25 32 00:56:38 29 00:02:36 30 00:27:04 30 01:26:17
30 471 Arjen Pelgröm Ermelo M 55 M-40 62 00:11:08 14 00:03:37 21 00:42:47 39 00:57:31 32 00:02:34 27 00:26:13 28 01:26:17
31 399 Jeffrey Pul Apeldoorn M 56 M-40 63 00:10:59 12 00:04:06 36 00:39:36 17 00:54:40 20 00:03:09 41 00:28:43 39 01:26:31
32 349 Lars Sloots Apeldoorn M 57 M-40 64 00:11:56 28 00:03:20 15 00:40:29 27 00:55:44 25 00:01:53 4 00:28:59 42 01:26:35
33 387 Jesse Kuipers Leusden M 58 M-40 66 00:11:10 15 00:03:47 26 00:42:11 38 00:57:07 31 00:02:50 35 00:27:36 34 01:27:32
34 402 Jesse Ruijter Voorhout M 60 M-40 71 00:12:20 32 00:04:05 35 00:43:37 41 01:00:01 36 00:02:09 12 00:25:37 24 01:27:46
35 372 Joran van Altena Klarenbeek M 61 M-40 72 00:17:01 49 00:04:03 34 00:41:27 33 01:02:30 41 00:01:52 3 00:23:31 8 01:27:52
36 313 Roné Everts Hengelo M 62 M-40 73 00:13:06 36 00:03:23 16 00:40:04 24 00:56:32 28 00:02:26 22 00:28:56 41 01:27:53
37 419 Marko Welmers ZWOLLE M 65 M-40 79 00:13:33 38 00:04:56 44 00:42:00 36 01:00:29 38 00:03:23 45 00:25:08 20 01:28:59
38 353 Tim Kools Lent M 66 M-40 80 00:09:32 7 00:04:42 42 00:40:23 25 00:54:37 18 00:03:24 46 00:31:08 46 01:29:07
39 370 Hero Noort Apeldoorn M 69 M-40 83 00:17:00 48 00:03:35 20 00:41:55 35 01:02:29 40 00:01:55 5 00:25:11 21 01:29:33
40 448 Robert Vierhout Nunspeet M 70 M-40 85 00:13:16 37 00:04:01 32 00:39:45 20 00:57:01 30 00:03:11 43 00:29:44 43 01:29:56
41 470 Willem Pluim Deventer M 75 M-40 91 00:13:45 39 00:04:35 41 00:44:56 44 01:03:14 42 00:02:33 26 00:25:08 19 01:30:54
42 326 Max Scholtens Apeldoorn M 77 M-40 95 00:15:36 45 00:05:23 45 00:43:35 40 01:04:33 45 00:02:58 37 00:23:49 10 01:31:19
43 317 Abiesh Raguthas Deventer M 78 M-40 99 00:16:23 47 00:03:16 12 00:42:05 37 01:01:43 39 00:03:01 39 00:27:37 36 01:32:20
44 476 Danny Smits Schalkhaar M 79 M-40 101 00:12:18 31 00:04:22 39 00:43:45 42 01:00:23 37 00:02:35 28 00:30:04 45 01:33:01
45 404 Deeuwus Smit APELDOORN M 87 M-40 115 00:14:41 44 00:03:51 27 00:46:55 46 01:05:26 46 00:02:08 11 00:27:25 33 01:34:58
46 491 Marcus Driessen Apeldoorn M 96 M-40 133 00:14:20 41 00:03:33 19 00:46:40 45 01:04:32 44 00:02:30 23 00:34:59 49 01:41:59
47 300 Bas Dekker Haarlem M 97 M-40 137 00:17:16 50 00:06:24 48 00:49:40 50 01:13:19 50 00:02:31 24 00:27:20 32 01:43:09
48 500 Carel Rinaldo van den Brink Wilsum M 98 M-40 141 00:14:26 42 00:06:22 47 00:49:30 49 01:10:17 48 00:03:43 48 00:29:49 44 01:43:49
49 316 Sytse Groenwold Almere M 99 M-40 143 00:12:27 34 00:06:31 50 00:48:03 47 01:07:00 47 00:04:36 50 00:33:08 48 01:44:44
50 333 Bjorn Commandeur Schalkhaar M 105 M-40 150 00:14:17 40 00:04:54 43 00:44:43 43 01:03:53 43 00:03:51 49 00:37:43 50 01:45:26
51 466 Chiem Berends Utrecht M 109 M-40 154 00:15:55 46 00:06:31 49 00:48:34 48 01:10:59 49 00:02:59 38 00:33:03 47 01:47:00

Mannen 40+
#Cat StNr Naam Woonplaats MV #MV Cat #Tot Zwem #Z Wis1 #W1 Fiets #F NaFiets #NaF Wis2 #W2 Loop #L Totaal
1 504 Rob Woestenenk Malden M 2 M40+ 2 00:07:40 1 00:01:58 1 00:34:38 3 00:44:16 1 00:01:53 4 00:21:14 1 01:07:22
2 492 Hans Kuiken Amersfoort M 3 M40+ 3 00:08:58 2 00:02:05 2 00:33:56 2 00:44:58 2 00:01:39 1 00:22:02 3 01:08:39
3 520 Gerard Petersen Hierden M 5 M40+ 5 00:09:34 5 00:02:06 3 00:38:06 12 00:49:45 6 00:02:10 8 00:21:19 2 01:13:12
4 460 Huub Schoorlemmer Heeten M 10 M40+ 10 00:11:24 21 00:02:56 9 00:37:16 6 00:51:35 9 00:03:05 38 00:22:13 4 01:16:52
5 519 Jan Ettema Apeldoorn M 12 M40+ 12 00:10:50 14 00:02:21 5 00:36:12 4 00:49:22 5 00:02:06 7 00:26:27 22 01:17:54
6 393 Herman Aalberts Apeldoorn M 13 M40+ 13 00:11:17 19 00:02:08 4 00:37:23 7 00:50:48 8 00:01:56 5 00:25:17 11 01:17:59
7 414 Fré Adema Oranjewoud M 14 M40+ 14 00:09:58 7 00:02:52 8 00:36:14 5 00:49:04 4 00:02:22 11 00:26:44 26 01:18:09
8 489 Gerben Hettinga Deventer M 15 M40+ 15 00:11:25 22 00:03:43 27 00:32:49 1 00:47:56 3 00:02:38 22 00:27:37 29 01:18:10
9 335 Jasper van Oorspronk Apeldoorn M 16 M40+ 16 00:11:08 16 00:03:28 23 00:38:47 14 00:53:22 12 00:02:39 23 00:22:20 5 01:18:19
10 514 Joep Tigchelaar Apeldoorn M 19 M40+ 20 00:11:16 18 00:04:57 45 00:37:43 9 00:53:55 16 00:03:09 40 00:22:30 6 01:19:34
11 360 Bjørn van Til Raalte M 22 M40+ 23 00:09:30 4 00:03:04 14 00:38:04 11 00:50:38 7 00:02:50 28 00:26:40 25 01:20:07
12 430 Guido Sala Wageningen M 24 M40+ 25 00:10:23 9 00:02:49 7 00:39:19 18 00:52:30 10 00:01:45 2 00:26:20 19 01:20:33
13 415 Marco Mulder Nunspeet M 27 M40+ 28 00:11:52 30 00:02:57 10 00:38:10 13 00:52:57 11 00:02:28 13 00:25:30 13 01:20:54
14 403 Jeroen Magendans Wijchen M 28 M40+ 29 00:11:49 27 00:03:46 29 00:39:04 16 00:54:39 20 00:01:50 3 00:24:56 10 01:21:23
15 511 Tjeerd Keizer Zwolle M 32 M40+ 35 00:10:39 10 00:02:29 6 00:40:20 24 00:53:27 13 00:02:33 17 00:26:04 17 01:22:03
16 449 Jonathan Brands Zwolle M 34 M40+ 38 00:09:57 6 00:03:19 18 00:40:26 25 00:53:40 14 00:02:13 10 00:26:21 20 01:22:13
17 332 Jochem van den Berg Ugchelen M 35 M40+ 39 00:12:40 38 00:03:59 36 00:38:03 10 00:54:41 21 00:03:01 37 00:24:36 8 01:22:16
18 428 Marcel Kremer Apeldoorn M 37 M40+ 41 00:12:17 33 00:03:00 13 00:39:23 19 00:54:38 19 00:02:32 16 00:25:22 12 01:22:31
19 301 Bob Haanappel Haarlem M 38 M40+ 42 00:10:40 11 00:02:59 12 00:41:45 30 00:55:23 25 00:02:31 14 00:24:43 9 01:22:36
20 346 Dirk de Wit Gorinchem M 39 M40+ 43 00:11:50 28 00:03:17 16 00:38:54 15 00:54:00 17 00:02:33 18 00:26:10 18 01:22:42
21 413 Koen Meijerink Nunspeet M 40 M40+ 44 00:10:40 12 00:02:57 11 00:40:54 26 00:54:29 18 00:02:13 9 00:26:22 21 01:23:03
22 479 Wouter van Toledo Apeldoorn M 43 M40+ 47 00:12:39 37 00:03:28 24 00:37:37 8 00:53:43 15 00:02:27 12 00:27:53 30 01:24:02
23 407 Marc Thomassen Nijmegen M 45 M40+ 50 00:14:20 52 00:04:01 37 00:40:19 23 00:58:39 33 00:02:47 26 00:23:06 7 01:24:32
24 340 Wim Kruis Gorinchem M 46 M40+ 51 00:12:37 36 00:03:06 15 00:39:25 20 00:55:07 23 00:02:38 21 00:26:55 27 01:24:39
25 304 Ronald Kwint Deventer M 50 M40+ 55 00:13:00 41 00:03:47 30 00:39:16 17 00:56:02 28 00:02:53 33 00:26:32 24 01:25:26
26 354 Vincent Huntink Vaassen M 59 M40+ 69 00:12:45 39 00:04:44 43 00:42:02 33 00:59:31 37 00:02:37 19 00:25:38 14 01:27:44
27 350 Martijn Reinink Apeldoorn M 63 M40+ 75 00:13:22 46 00:03:40 25 00:41:41 28 00:58:42 35 00:02:54 34 00:26:30 23 01:28:05
28 465 Timme de Vries Apeldoorn M 64 M40+ 78 00:11:45 25 00:03:17 17 00:42:23 37 00:57:25 31 00:03:21 44 00:28:10 31 01:28:55
29 432 YM Dijkstra Hoevelaken M 67 M40+ 81 00:09:28 3 00:03:45 28 00:42:06 34 00:55:18 24 00:03:30 48 00:30:25 41 01:29:11
30 398 Marco Raap Apeldoorn M 68 M40+ 82 00:12:25 35 00:03:58 34 00:44:07 41 01:00:30 39 00:02:53 32 00:25:57 16 01:29:19
31 344 Michel Bakelaar Lelystad M 71 M40+ 86 00:10:49 13 00:03:19 19 00:41:52 31 00:55:58 27 00:02:51 31 00:31:08 43 01:29:57
32 405 Evert Jan van Asselt Houten M 72 M40+ 87 00:11:19 20 00:03:24 21 00:41:53 32 00:56:35 29 00:02:46 25 00:30:44 42 01:30:05
33 495 Frank Mentink Vaassen M 73 M40+ 89 00:12:49 40 00:03:41 26 00:40:58 27 00:57:27 32 00:02:50 29 00:30:01 39 01:30:17
34 478 Erwin Achterkamp Apeldoorn M 74 M40+ 90 00:13:07 42 00:03:57 33 00:41:43 29 00:58:46 36 00:02:51 30 00:29:15 37 01:30:51
35 338 Patrice Theunissen Apeldoorn M 76 M40+ 93 00:11:40 24 00:06:02 54 00:45:35 51 01:03:16 44 00:01:58 6 00:25:54 15 01:31:07
36 409 Bart Breukink Doetinchem M 80 M40+ 103 00:11:26 23 00:04:07 39 00:39:30 21 00:55:03 22 00:03:20 43 00:34:57 54 01:33:19
37 408 Donald Hoogendorp Apeldoorn M 81 M40+ 106 00:13:46 49 00:03:23 20 00:44:55 46 01:02:02 42 00:02:56 35 00:28:46 35 01:33:43
38 451 Sander Veenstra Apeldoorn M 82 M40+ 108 00:12:25 34 00:03:50 31 00:42:26 38 00:58:40 34 00:03:28 47 00:31:46 44 01:33:53
39 464 Erwin van Dijk Apeldoorn M 83 M40+ 109 00:11:05 15 00:05:01 46 00:39:36 22 00:55:41 26 00:03:37 49 00:34:47 52 01:34:03
40 461 Niels Keijzers Apeldoorn M 84 M40+ 111 00:13:15 43 00:04:26 42 00:45:28 49 01:03:08 43 00:02:38 20 00:28:27 32 01:34:12
41 482 Harry Gruben Epe M 85 M40+ 113 00:11:16 17 00:03:26 22 00:42:16 36 00:56:57 30 00:03:22 45 00:34:37 51 01:34:56
42 499 Maarten Veen Reeuwijk M 86 M40+ 114 00:11:53 31 00:04:02 38 00:45:34 50 01:01:29 40 00:03:06 39 00:30:22 40 01:34:56
43 383 Menno Westra Apeldoorn M 88 M40+ 116 00:14:16 51 00:05:22 50 00:44:53 45 01:04:30 49 00:03:45 51 00:26:55 28 01:35:09
44 305 Marco Betman Apeldoorn M 89 M40+ 118 00:11:46 26 00:03:58 35 00:44:43 42 01:00:26 38 00:03:00 36 00:32:44 49 01:36:10
45 446 Dirk Sluimer Bergschenhoek M 90 M40+ 119 00:15:31 60 00:03:56 32 00:46:14 55 01:05:40 52 00:02:31 15 00:28:37 34 01:36:47
46 382 Christian van Ginkel Apeldoorn M 91 M40+ 122 00:14:47 57 00:05:01 47 00:46:49 56 01:06:36 55 00:02:41 24 00:28:30 33 01:37:47
47 416 John Evers Apeldoorn M 92 M40+ 123 00:13:28 47 00:07:53 61 00:45:12 47 01:06:31 54 00:03:15 42 00:29:07 36 01:38:53
48 391 Ronald Wieberdink Elspeet M 93 M40+ 125 00:14:24 54 00:04:19 41 00:42:59 39 01:01:42 41 00:04:02 56 00:34:07 50 01:39:50
49 433 Joost Hamming Apeldoorn M 94 M40+ 126 00:14:22 53 00:05:13 48 00:45:48 53 01:05:21 51 00:02:50 27 00:32:15 45 01:40:26
50 494 Jos Bouwmeester Apeldoorn M 95 M40+ 131 00:14:57 58 00:06:18 56 00:45:38 52 01:06:52 57 00:04:40 60 00:29:58 38 01:41:29
51 437 Martijn de Glopper Apeldoorn M 100 M40+ 144 00:13:41 48 00:05:31 52 00:45:56 54 01:05:07 50 00:04:17 58 00:35:52 56 01:45:15
52 457 Wilco Liefers-deJong Hattem M 101 M40+ 145 00:13:15 44 00:07:32 60 00:47:07 57 01:07:52 58 00:04:58 62 00:32:33 47 01:45:22
53 480 Bernie Beikes Groningen M 102 M40+ 146 00:10:15 8 00:05:16 49 00:50:27 61 01:05:57 53 00:03:43 50 00:35:44 55 01:45:23
54 481 Arjen Visker Amsterdam M 103 M40+ 147 00:15:50 61 00:05:48 53 00:48:05 59 01:09:42 60 00:03:26 46 00:32:15 46 01:45:23
55 325 Jenne Rispens Leusden M 104 M40+ 148 00:15:05 59 00:06:10 55 00:43:03 40 01:04:17 46 00:03:49 52 00:37:21 60 01:45:26
56 334 John Commandeur Deventer M 106 M40+ 151 00:14:13 50 00:04:51 44 00:44:51 43 01:03:54 45 00:03:50 53 00:37:43 62 01:45:27
57 315 Jürgen ten Have Varsseveld M 107 M40+ 152 00:14:36 56 00:04:18 40 00:45:25 48 01:04:19 47 00:04:04 57 00:37:24 61 01:45:45
58 516 Louis Zweers Arnhem M 108 M40+ 153 00:13:17 45 00:08:58 62 00:42:09 35 01:04:23 48 00:06:05 63 00:36:20 58 01:46:47
59 515 Eli Slotboom Apeldoorn M 110 M40+ 155 00:11:50 29 00:09:59 63 00:44:51 44 01:06:40 56 00:03:52 55 00:36:39 59 01:47:10
60 455 Bas Koppelman Ijsselmuiden M 111 M40+ 156 00:14:32 55 00:05:25 51 00:48:01 58 01:07:57 59 00:04:57 61 00:34:56 53 01:47:49
61 450 Luc Mercx Apeldoorn M 112 M40+ 160 00:12:16 32 00:06:47 59 00:51:28 62 01:10:30 61 00:03:09 41 00:36:11 57 01:49:49
62 308 Ap Brands Zwolle M 113 M40+ 164 00:17:24 63 00:06:31 57 00:50:03 60 01:13:57 62 00:04:29 59 00:32:43 48 01:51:08
63 318 Rob Bello Oss M 114 M40+ 179 00:16:02 62 00:06:46 58 00:56:52 63 01:19:38 63 00:03:51 54 00:41:20 63 02:04:48

Vrouwen <40
#Cat StNr Naam Woonplaats MV #MV Cat #Tot Zwem #Z Wis1 #W1 Fiets #F NaFiets #NaF Wis2 #W2 Loop #L Totaal
1 400 Roos van der Ploeg Bemmel V 2 V-40 31 00:09:04 3 00:02:42 2 00:41:05 3 00:52:50 1 00:02:28 4 00:26:38 4 01:21:55
2 302 Charlotte Meijers Goor V 3 V-40 33 00:10:07 5 00:02:28 1 00:41:24 5 00:53:59 2 00:02:18 2 00:25:43 1 01:21:59
3 329 Dionne Ruijter Wageningen V 6 V-40 59 00:11:25 10 00:03:46 9 00:41:27 6 00:56:38 6 00:02:39 8 00:26:52 5 01:26:07
4 506 Tessa van Beelen Voorhout V 9 V-40 67 00:08:16 1 00:04:03 12 00:45:22 19 00:57:40 8 00:02:05 1 00:27:50 7 01:27:34
5 324 EsmeeAnne de Meulmeester Zevenaar V 11 V-40 70 00:09:36 4 00:03:42 8 00:45:48 23 00:59:06 9 00:02:29 5 00:26:12 3 01:27:46
6 312 Marit de Vos Enschede V 12 V-40 74 00:10:14 6 00:05:03 26 00:44:30 12 00:59:46 11 00:02:19 3 00:25:58 2 01:28:02
7 410 Dieuwertje Den Besten Amsterdam V 13 V-40 76 00:12:09 20 00:04:04 13 00:38:17 1 00:54:29 3 00:03:35 24 00:30:17 14 01:28:21
8 322 Stefanie Stienezen Zevenaar V 14 V-40 77 00:10:38 7 00:03:15 3 00:40:52 2 00:54:43 4 00:02:42 9 00:31:11 16 01:28:36
9 309 Jolein Boom Finsterwolde V 18 V-40 94 00:11:41 12 00:03:27 7 00:41:17 4 00:56:24 5 00:02:33 6 00:32:14 19 01:31:10
10 502 Jisca Docters Apeldoorn V 19 V-40 96 00:12:25 22 00:05:14 27 00:41:51 7 00:59:28 10 00:03:21 21 00:28:47 10 01:31:35
11 323 Lynn Leferink Enter V 21 V-40 98 00:11:05 8 00:03:15 4 00:45:28 22 00:59:48 12 00:02:48 12 00:29:45 13 01:32:19
12 483 Annelot van der Laan Zwolle V 22 V-40 100 00:11:37 11 00:04:40 21 00:44:17 11 01:00:33 14 00:03:18 20 00:28:34 9 01:32:24
13 396 Fleur Dijkstra Apeldoorn V 23 V-40 102 00:12:36 26 00:04:51 23 00:45:21 18 01:02:47 21 00:02:44 10 00:27:40 6 01:33:11
14 375 Elise Maassen Apeldoorn V 24 V-40 104 00:11:52 16 00:04:23 16 00:45:53 24 01:02:06 18 00:03:11 19 00:28:12 8 01:33:28
15 307 Jessica Jonker Apeldoorn V 25 V-40 105 00:12:02 18 00:04:18 14 00:44:50 14 01:01:09 15 00:02:56 15 00:29:33 12 01:33:38
16 342 Marloes Piepenbroek Zwolle V 26 V-40 107 00:11:54 17 00:03:20 6 00:41:56 8 00:57:09 7 00:02:54 14 00:33:48 26 01:33:51
17 486 Anne Schutte - de Vries Apeldoorn V 27 V-40 110 00:12:14 21 00:04:46 22 00:45:00 15 01:01:58 17 00:03:08 18 00:29:04 11 01:34:09
18 507 Lotte Wieskamp Velp V 29 V-40 117 00:11:43 14 00:05:18 30 00:43:02 10 01:00:02 13 00:02:48 13 00:32:26 20 01:35:15
19 442 Hedwig Kikkert Leiden V 31 V-40 121 00:08:51 2 00:03:20 5 00:49:57 29 01:02:06 19 00:02:35 7 00:32:59 22 01:37:40
20 385 Suzie Kuipers Arnhem V 32 V-40 124 00:14:59 38 00:04:23 17 00:42:57 9 01:02:18 20 00:03:35 23 00:33:48 25 01:39:41
21 484 Juul Kamerling - van Kesteren Rheden V 33 V-40 127 00:13:24 28 00:06:01 34 00:45:07 16 01:04:31 24 00:03:48 27 00:32:11 18 01:40:29
22 319 Anne Bello Maasbommel V 34 V-40 128 00:12:28 24 00:03:55 11 00:45:19 17 01:01:40 16 00:03:07 17 00:36:02 32 01:40:48
23 356 Laura De jong Lunteren V 36 V-40 130 00:12:35 25 00:05:23 32 00:48:03 25 01:06:00 26 00:03:59 31 00:30:58 15 01:40:56
24 459 Charlotte Nijland Apeldoorn V 38 V-40 134 00:13:50 31 00:04:51 24 00:44:48 13 01:03:28 22 00:03:39 25 00:35:01 31 01:42:07
25 513 Penny Kuijer Uddel V 39 V-40 135 00:13:49 30 00:04:38 18 00:45:24 21 01:03:49 23 00:03:34 22 00:34:50 30 01:42:12
26 351 Laura Leenders Huissen V 41 V-40 138 00:14:55 37 00:04:40 20 00:45:23 20 01:04:56 25 00:04:14 32 00:34:01 27 01:43:10
27 490 Lysanne Smeenk Zwolle V 44 V-40 142 00:11:15 9 00:04:22 15 00:51:35 31 01:07:10 29 00:04:15 33 00:32:38 21 01:44:03
28 475 Anouk van Sprundel Landsmeer V 45 V-40 149 00:12:26 23 00:05:17 28 00:49:23 28 01:07:05 28 00:04:21 34 00:34:01 28 01:45:26
29 462 Britt Kerkdijk Apeldoorn V 47 V-40 158 00:13:33 29 00:05:23 33 00:53:30 34 01:12:25 33 00:03:06 16 00:33:42 24 01:49:11
30 331 Ilse Smits-Arnoldussen Ottersum V 48 V-40 159 00:11:49 15 00:03:48 10 00:53:31 35 01:09:07 30 00:02:45 11 00:37:25 34 01:49:16
31 412 Marielle Van Ark Elspeet V 51 V-40 163 00:11:42 13 00:04:40 19 00:50:11 30 01:06:32 27 00:04:47 35 00:39:35 36 01:50:52
32 361 Iris Lieben Veendam V 53 V-40 166 00:13:01 27 00:08:41 39 00:53:18 33 01:14:59 35 00:04:53 36 00:31:30 17 01:51:22
33 362 Gerianne Spruijt Veendam V 54 V-40 167 00:14:31 36 00:10:33 40 00:48:23 26 01:13:27 34 00:05:03 39 00:33:31 23 01:52:00
34 386 Victoria Lasscher Arnhem V 55 V-40 168 00:14:11 33 00:05:17 29 00:52:20 32 01:11:47 31 00:03:55 29 00:36:35 33 01:52:16
35 368 Sabine Vonk Lelystad V 61 V-40 174 00:14:18 34 00:08:20 38 00:49:22 27 01:11:59 32 00:07:54 41 00:38:42 35 01:58:35
36 434 Myrthe Griede Apeldoorn V 62 V-40 175 00:15:38 40 00:06:13 35 00:57:50 38 01:19:40 37 00:04:56 37 00:34:11 29 01:58:45
37 374 Femke Rispens Leusden V 64 V-40 177 00:14:08 32 00:05:19 31 00:56:05 36 01:15:30 36 00:03:48 26 00:40:29 37 01:59:46
38 429 Eunice Roelofs Apeldoorn V 67 V-40 181 00:16:02 42 00:06:36 37 00:57:22 37 01:20:00 39 00:05:23 40 00:43:58 38 02:09:20
39 435 Danique ten Have Vaassen V 68 V-40 182 00:15:41 41 00:06:15 36 00:57:50 39 01:19:45 38 00:04:56 38 00:46:52 39 02:11:32
40 509 Anniek van Keulen Uden V 71 V-40 185 00:15:25 39 00:12:06 41 01:10:16 40 01:37:46 41 00:03:52 28 00:47:20 40 02:28:57
41 510 Yella Vernooij Arnhem V 72 V-40 186 00:12:03 19 00:15:24 42 01:10:17 41 01:37:43 40 00:03:56 30 00:49:09 41 02:30:46
DNF 364 Nina Boerdam Arnhem V DNF V-40 DNF 00:14:22 35 00:04:55 25                  

Vrouwen 40+
#Cat StNr Naam Woonplaats MV #MV Cat #Tot Zwem #Z Wis1 #W1 Fiets #F NaFiets #NaF Wis2 #W2 Loop #L Totaal
1 518 Karin Neutel Arnhem V 1 V40+ 19 00:08:55 4 00:02:18 1 00:38:53 2 00:50:05 1 00:04:02 20 00:25:17 1 01:19:23
2 401 Hermien Marissen Duivendrecht V 4 V40+ 37 00:09:07 5 00:02:42 3 00:40:28 4 00:52:16 2 00:02:27 4 00:27:25 6 01:22:08
3 314 Berteke de Jong Oosterbeek V 5 V40+ 48 00:08:51 2 00:02:31 2 00:41:14 5 00:52:34 3 00:02:16 2 00:29:25 11 01:24:14
4 345 Nicky Hogenkamp Nijmegen V 7 V40+ 60 00:12:13 12 00:03:09 4 00:39:49 3 00:55:10 5 00:02:27 3 00:28:33 8 01:26:08
5 417 Eveline Hacquebord IJsselstein V 8 V40+ 65 00:08:54 3 00:04:09 11 00:44:40 11 00:57:42 7 00:03:06 8 00:26:33 3 01:27:20
6 503 Sandra VERBEETEN Leusden V 10 V40+ 68 00:12:13 13 00:03:59 9 00:42:38 6 00:58:48 8 00:02:39 5 00:26:11 2 01:27:37
7 381 Joyce van Gils Amersfoort V 15 V40+ 84 00:11:36 10 00:04:39 15 00:38:20 1 00:54:34 4 00:03:26 13 00:31:55 17 01:29:53
8 348 Jorien Hannink Malden V 16 V40+ 88 00:12:31 14 00:03:29 5 00:43:09 9 00:59:08 9 00:02:56 7 00:28:06 7 01:30:09
9 438 Margret Dekker Sint Jansklooster V 17 V40+ 92 00:14:07 22 00:04:07 10 00:42:52 8 01:01:05 12 00:03:16 11 00:26:35 4 01:30:55
10 517 Janneke Koster Duiven V 20 V40+ 97 00:11:19 7 00:03:40 7 00:45:01 12 01:00:00 11 00:02:51 6 00:28:52 9 01:31:42
11 395 Esther van Riessen-van Lith APELDOORN V 28 V40+ 112 00:11:38 11 00:03:53 8 00:49:45 18 01:05:15 13 00:02:12 1 00:26:56 5 01:34:22
12 427 Danielle Bouw Nunspeet V 30 V40+ 120 00:11:21 8 00:04:30 12 00:43:34 10 00:59:24 10 00:05:53 28 00:32:21 18 01:37:37
13 355 Anneke Lameris Lunteren V 35 V40+ 129 00:12:36 15 00:05:10 19 00:48:17 14 01:06:02 14 00:03:56 19 00:30:59 14 01:40:55
14 496 Frouke Poot Harmelen V 37 V40+ 132 00:11:35 9 00:04:31 13 00:50:41 23 01:06:47 15 00:03:35 18 00:31:19 15 01:41:40
15 439 Hetty Pot Sint Jansklooster V 40 V40+ 136 00:14:10 23 00:05:59 24 00:47:42 13 01:07:50 17 00:03:14 10 00:31:21 16 01:42:24
16 497 Stans Den Hartog Jager Zeist V 42 V40+ 139 00:08:37 1 00:04:40 16 00:53:35 27 01:06:51 16 00:03:31 15 00:32:55 19 01:43:16
17 426 Ineke Middelhoek Apeldoorn V 43 V40+ 140 00:13:25 18 00:07:51 30 00:49:44 17 01:10:59 21 00:03:22 12 00:29:00 10 01:43:20
18 473 Marieke Van Werven Ewijk V 46 V40+ 157 00:13:18 17 00:06:04 25 00:50:19 21 01:09:39 20 00:04:17 24 00:34:42 21 01:48:38
19 422 Nienke Koppelman Nunspeet V 49 V40+ 161 00:15:33 30 00:05:40 22 00:50:16 20 01:11:28 23 00:03:34 17 00:35:42 23 01:50:43
20 472 Lisette Haan Ewijk V 50 V40+ 162 00:14:16 24 00:05:33 20 00:53:43 28 01:13:30 26 00:04:12 22 00:33:08 20 01:50:49
21 488 Sylvia Polman-Rolwes Apeldoorn V 52 V40+ 165 00:13:07 16 00:05:05 18 00:50:06 19 01:08:17 18 00:03:28 14 00:39:34 25 01:51:18
22 444 Sylvia Van Dorresteijn Houten V 56 V40+ 169 00:14:25 26 00:05:34 21 00:53:11 25 01:13:10 25 00:05:07 27 00:35:36 22 01:53:52
23 406 Gaby Faulhaber Apeldoorn V 57 V40+ 170 00:14:51 28 00:06:11 27 00:50:23 22 01:11:24 22 00:04:16 23 00:39:50 26 01:55:28
24 363 Margot Verbree Arnhem V 58 V40+ 171 00:14:05 21 00:04:34 14 00:50:56 24 01:09:34 19 00:04:04 21 00:42:47 28 01:56:24
25 366 Judith De Bock Maarn V 59 V40+ 172 00:13:48 20 00:12:30 31 00:53:17 26 01:19:33 31 00:07:35 29 00:29:56 12 01:57:04
26 367 Rachel Bergé Amersfoort V 60 V40+ 173 00:13:48 19 00:12:34 32 00:48:20 15 01:14:41 28 00:12:28 31 00:29:56 13 01:57:04
27 443 Wilma Kikkert Den Haag V 63 V40+ 176 00:16:52 32 00:06:15 28 00:55:12 29 01:18:19 30 00:04:40 25 00:36:34 24 01:59:31
28 369 Mellanie Vonk Badhoevedorp V 65 V40+ 178 00:15:10 29 00:07:24 29 00:49:29 16 01:12:03 24 00:08:06 30 00:40:28 27 02:00:35
29 474 Ditje Reudink Geesteren V 66 V40+ 180 00:14:18 25 00:06:11 26 00:57:10 31 01:17:37 29 00:03:33 16 00:45:14 30 02:06:24
30 487 Alke Dalhuisen de Groot Ugchelen V 69 V40+ 183 00:14:27 27 00:04:58 17 00:55:16 30 01:14:40 27 00:04:46 26 00:57:20 31 02:16:45
31 424 Kim Den Besten Nunspeet V 70 V40+ 184 00:15:56 31 00:05:48 23 01:10:41 32 01:32:25 32 00:03:07 9 00:43:10 29 02:18:40
DNF 420 Tineke van Berkum Echtenerbrug V DNF V40+ DNF 00:10:32 6 00:03:37 6 00:42:50 7 00:56:59 6