Haute Route Norway | Stavanger | 02/04-08-2019

Pos Bib Name Nat Cat PosCat Stage1 PosS1 Stage2 PosS2 Stage3 PosS3 Total Gap
1 174 Filip Eidsheim NO M18 1 3:59:48 1 3:18:28 1 28:46 1 7:47:01  
2 184 Timothy Harris AU M30 1 3:59:50 2 3:21:18 2 30:01 2 7:51:08 4:07
3 146 Bence Szuromi HU M40 1 4:00:57 6 3:22:19 4 30:26 3 7:53:41 6:40
4 17 Felix Hoddinott GB M40 2 4:00:28 4 3:22:30 5 30:48 4 7:53:45 6:44
5 47 Wouter Beel BE M18 2 4:00:44 5 3:21:28 3 31:53 8 7:54:03 7:02
6 110 Arnold Jansen NL M30 2 4:00:12 3 3:23:48 6 31:06 5 7:55:05 8:04
7 40 David Manlow GB M30 3 4:02:05 7 3:25:22 8 31:46 7 7:59:11 12:11
8 35 Svein Flornes NO M50 1 4:03:02 8 3:28:12 10 33:01 16 8:04:14 17:13
9 81 Ryan Keyrouse US M30 4 4:03:29 9 3:28:17 11 32:35 12 8:04:20 17:19
10 87 David Whittle GB M40 3 4:04:17 10 3:27:28 9 32:46 13 8:04:30 17:29
11 173 Kristin eidsheim Sønnesyn NO F30 1 4:04:44 11 3:28:38 14 34:26 25 8:07:47 20:46
12 125 Thomas Polle DE M30 5 4:04:53 12 3:30:57 15 33:23 19 8:09:12 22:11
13 176 Henrik Engelsen NO M30 6 4:10:42 14 3:28:22 12 32:07 9 8:11:09 24:08
14 166 Emma julie Dyrhovden NO F18 1 4:10:55 16 3:28:37 13 32:51 14 8:12:22 25:21
15 91 Andy Pearson GB M40 4 4:16:50 18 3:24:18 7 32:24 11 8:13:31 26:30
16 41 Ed Trevor-jones GB M18 3 4:10:42 15 3:31:24 17 33:18 17 8:15:22 28:21
17 84 Chris Hope GB M50 2 4:18:48 19 3:33:00 19 34:39 28 8:26:26 39:25
18 43 Simon Verdonck BE M18 4 4:10:07 13 3:44:59 25 31:32 6 8:26:37 39:36
19 20 Armando Pires neto BR M40 5 4:20:43 20 3:32:50 18 35:14 34 8:28:46 41:45
20 23 Mark Roberts US M40 6 4:26:53 23 3:31:02 16 33:43 20 8:31:37 44:36
21 42 James Walshe GB M40 7 4:27:05 25 3:33:44 20 32:14 10 8:33:02 46:01
22 10 Kevin Connors IE M50 3 4:24:43 22 3:40:02 22 33:18 18 8:38:02 51:01
23 49 Jean-michel Chatard FR M50 4 4:15:19 17 3:49:55 33 34:00 21 8:39:14 52:13
24 101 Matthew Phillips GB M40 8 4:29:52 31 3:38:17 21 34:59 32 8:43:07 56:06
25 22 Alper Akcan TR M40 9 4:26:57 24 3:43:11 24 34:58 31 8:45:04 58:03
26 117 Mona Kristiansen NO F50 1 4:22:48 21 3:46:33 28 36:20 47 8:45:41 58:40
27 99 Mikkel Callsen DK M40 10 4:27:44 27 3:48:16 30 34:49 30 8:50:48 1:03:47
28 74 Andrew Ratcliffe GB M40 11 4:33:24 33 3:46:10 26 32:53 15 8:52:25 1:05:24
29 65 Paul Martin GB M40 12 4:36:35 36 3:42:30 23 35:37 39 8:54:41 1:07:40
30 104 Alex Muse GB M40 13 4:27:45 29 3:57:17 47 34:25 24 8:59:26 1:12:25
31 71 Stuart Clarke GB M30 7 4:27:45 28 3:57:41 48 34:22 23 8:59:46 1:12:45
32 122 Michael Baumann DE M40 14 4:30:23 32 3:53:24 38 36:26 48 9:00:11 1:13:10
33 112 Robert Bedford GB M30 8 4:33:39 34 3:52:15 36 35:32 38 9:01:25 1:14:24
34 62 George Lewis GB M40 15 4:35:54 35 3:49:47 32 36:07 44 9:01:46 1:14:45
35 156 Guillaume Grob CH M18 5 4:41:23 41 3:46:17 27 34:15 22 9:01:54 1:14:53
36 21 James Spratt GB M50 5 4:27:30 26 3:58:38 50 35:58 42 9:02:05 1:15:04
37 70 Robert Beer US M50 6 4:39:19 39 3:49:17 31 35:26 37 9:04:01 1:17:00
38 108 David Henderson GB M50 7 4:40:03 40 3:51:56 35 35:17 35 9:07:16 1:20:15
39 45 Raymond Mclellan GB M40 16 4:38:39 38 3:54:05 40 34:43 29 9:07:26 1:20:25
40 18 Timothy Lowe GB M40 17 4:37:49 37 3:55:45 45 36:06 43 9:09:40 1:22:39
41 37 Martin Jones GB M50 8 4:29:22 30 4:08:05 57 36:13 45 9:13:39 1:26:38
42 115 Claude Fickers BE M50 9 4:43:16 42 3:56:15 46 35:24 36 9:14:54 1:27:53
43 159 Leik Jørve NO M18 6 4:49:47 51 3:51:02 34 35:48 41 9:16:36 1:29:35
44 98 Daniel mark Olsen DK M40 18 4:47:32 45 3:54:15 41 35:47 40 9:17:33 1:30:32
45 61 Peter Moricz SE M60 1 4:48:39 48 3:52:25 37 40:10 80 9:21:12 1:34:11
46 106 Luke Rogers GB M30 9 4:52:51 52 3:55:01 44 34:30 27 9:22:20 1:35:19
47 147 Luke Fenney AU M30 10 4:48:41 49 3:58:11 49 38:00 59 9:24:51 1:37:50
48 105 Charlie Sheldon AU M30 11 4:56:12 56 3:54:55 43 34:27 26 9:25:32 1:38:31
49 161 David Dokakis SE M18 7 4:45:56 43 4:01:45 51 38:23 62 9:26:03 1:39:02
50 69 Dan Marsh GB M40 19 4:46:04 44 4:05:40 52 37:15 53 9:28:58 1:41:57
51 170 Alex De'ath GB M40 20 4:48:34 47 4:05:43 53 37:33 55 9:31:50 1:44:49
52 4 Charles Rowland US M60 2 4:49:10 50 4:08:22 59 39:04 69 9:36:35 1:49:34
53 76 Laura Cunningham GB F30 2 4:54:18 53 4:06:18 54 38:34 64 9:39:08 1:52:07
54 151 Greig Avinou GB M50 10 4:48:17 46 4:13:22 63 40:19 81 9:41:57 1:54:56
55 79 Timothy Murakami US M50 11 5:10:03 66 3:54:19 42 38:13 61 9:42:35 1:55:34
56 150 Patrick Klasér SE M30 12 4:54:47 54 4:08:14 58 39:53 77 9:42:53 1:55:52
57 34 Richard Bell GB M50 12 5:15:55 72 3:53:26 39 39:44 75 9:49:04 2:02:03
58 63 Amandine Malardeau FR F30 3 4:55:06 55 4:12:55 62 41:47 90 9:49:47 2:02:46
59 126 James Ranger GB M30 13 5:00:06 57 4:12:11 61 37:47 57 9:50:03 2:03:02
60 44 Paul O'donnell AU M50 13 5:05:36 61 4:08:49 60 38:28 63 9:52:51 2:05:50
61 114 Helen Winton GB F50 2 5:07:08 64 4:06:40 55 39:54 78 9:53:41 2:06:40
62 141 Carlo Russo US M60 3 5:00:20 59 4:18:53 65 40:25 83 9:59:37 2:12:36
63 66 Joel Brown AU M30 14 5:08:03 65 4:14:53 64 36:51 50 9:59:46 2:12:45
64 94 Demetrio Pitarch CH M50 14 5:16:09 73 4:07:02 56 37:51 58 10:01:00 2:13:59
65 179 Juliet Elliott GB F40 1 5:05:23 60 4:18:53 66 39:29 71 10:03:45 2:16:44
66 25 David Ward GB M50 15 5:00:12 58 4:30:47 77 36:56 51 10:07:53 2:20:52
67 136 Paul Thompson GB M50 16 5:05:46 63 4:26:05 76 41:48 91 10:13:38 2:26:37
68 60 David Wetzels BE M18 8 5:17:58 75 4:18:56 67 36:45 49 10:13:38 2:26:37
69 28 Caroline Vamnes NO F30 4 5:15:37 71 4:20:21 70 37:47 56 10:13:44 2:26:43
70 128 Nick Benham GB M40 21 5:14:33 67 4:21:19 71 38:54 68 10:14:45 2:27:44
71 11 David Woodman GB M60 4 5:15:05 69 4:20:15 69 39:33 72 10:14:52 2:27:51
72 177 Arild Hermansen NO M50 17 5:15:23 70 4:24:17 73 36:56 52 10:16:36 2:29:35
73 59 Jean-claude Wetzels BE M40 22 5:17:58 76 4:21:28 72 38:40 65 10:18:05 2:31:04
74 38 Alain Galissard FR M60 5 5:21:56 77 4:19:04 68 38:45 66 10:19:44 2:32:43
75 73 Lukas Kunz CH M18 9 5:22:12 78 4:24:48 74 36:16 46 10:23:16 2:36:15
76 135 Laura Cameron GB F30 5 5:05:37 62 4:42:45 82 40:02 79 10:28:22 2:41:21
77 119 Nicholas Frank GB M50 18 5:14:41 68 4:37:09 78 39:51 76 10:31:40 2:44:39
78 134 Simon Scholfield GB M50 19 5:16:14 74 4:42:27 81 38:49 67 10:37:30 2:50:29
79 31 James Kent GB M40 23 5:26:56 81 4:39:31 79 40:22 82 10:46:48 2:59:47
80 168 Richard Wilson GB M40 24 5:25:00 79 4:43:01 83 40:30 84 10:48:30 3:01:29
81 86 Fran Whyte GB F40 2 5:25:01 80 4:43:08 84 40:49 85 10:48:58 3:01:57
82 182 Jens Glad Balchen NO M40 25 5:48:39 93 4:25:03 75 39:43 74 10:53:24 3:06:23
83 14 Roy Finch GB M40 26 5:35:43 84 4:40:50 80 39:11 70 10:55:42 3:08:41
84 172 Tomas Pleskac CZ M50 20 5:35:26 82 4:44:03 87 43:19 93 11:02:47 3:15:46
85 133 Julian Oakley GB M50 21 5:40:05 87 4:43:43 85 41:43 89 11:05:30 3:18:29
86 83 Carlos andres Muñoz fernandez CO M18 10 5:44:53 89 4:43:58 86 41:07 86 11:09:58 3:22:57
87 107 Matt Tanner GB M30 15 5:42:17 88 4:50:09 90 39:37 73 11:12:03 3:25:02
88 88 Pierre Bige FR M50 22 5:35:31 83 4:59:45 94 43:01 92 11:18:16 3:31:15
89 93 Barry Wallis GB M40 27 5:51:34 96 4:50:10 91 41:17 88 11:22:59 3:35:58
90 167 Toshitaka Tamura JP M50 23 5:50:12 94 4:57:08 93 38:08 60 11:25:27 3:38:26
91 138 Martine Nolan IE F40 3 5:51:50 97 4:50:36 92 44:50 95 11:27:15 3:40:14
92 78 Hans Olsén SE M50 24 5:36:04 85 5:14:42 95 41:08 87 11:31:53 3:44:52
93 109 Robert Meigh GB M30 16 5:45:13 90 5:15:38 96 43:54 94 11:44:44 3:57:43
94 77 Helena Allgulander SE F50 3 5:37:02 86 5:25:22 97 45:05 96 11:47:29 4:00:28
95 97 Gisela edith Zurita ventura MX F30 6 6:06:51 99 5:27:27 98 47:00 98 12:21:18 4:34:17
96 56 George Croft US M60 6 6:10:45 100 5:40:20 100 46:21 97 12:37:24 4:50:23